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Last update on February 18, 2001

Our area code has changed. Our new phone and fax number is (256) 533-7103.

MoreMem has been updated to 4.0d.

MoreMem Icon MoreMem TM 4.0d for Windows

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New Features of MoreMem 4.0d Over 4.0c

  1. Gamma Research has a new area code. Our new phone and fax number is (256) 533-7103.
  2. In Windows 3.x, TopBar's No Title Bar option uses a 1 pixel thin border instead of a multiple pixel thick border.
  3. TopBar has a Quick Reboot Computer button and a Quick Restart Windows button.

New Features of MoreMem 4.0c Over 4.0b

  1. MoreMem has a Redo Reserve on Boot option that can result in approximately 20K to 64K of additional DOS memory on low memory systems.
  2. MoreMem has a Close On Bootup After ? Sec option that will automatically close MoreMem's setup dialog box on bootup.
  3. MoreMem has a Close On Bootup After ? Sec (Number To Redo) edit box to specify the number of seconds to wait before closing MoreMem's setup dialog box and the number of times to redo the DOS memory reserve algorithm.
  4. TopBar displays the window title of a window button as a ToolTip and indicates the currently active window as a depressed button.
  5. TopBar allows the user to restore hidden windows by right clicking over its green memory information area which displays a popup menu of hidden windows.
  6. TopBar displays dates from 2000 and beyond correctly.
  7. TopBar has a command line option to cause MoreMem to redo its DOS memory reserve algorithm.

New Features of MoreMem 4.0b Over 4.0a

  1. MoreMem has a normal and advanced setup dialog box.
  2. MoreMem can uninstall its Program Manager group and icons.
  3. MoreMem includes an online version of its manual with graphics in the Microsoft Word for Windows file format.
  4. TopBar has a Quick Exit Windows button and a Reboot Windows button. (When exiting Windows, Topbar's dialog box no longer obscures any save as dialog boxes.)
  5. TopBar can display a user-specified icon for a window according to MoreMem4.ini file entries. (This fixes the icon problems for Lotus 1-2-3 and Lotus Notes.)
  6. TopBar has an option to show all top-level windows.
  7. TopBar allows termination of unresponsive applications and toggling of a window's always on top state.
  8. TopBar has a Quick Exit Windows button in its setup dialog box.
  9. TopBar has additional command line options.

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Summary of MoreMem 4.0d

MoreMem 4.0d is a device driver that fixes Insufficient Memory to Run errors when loading Windows programs. On startup, each Windows program needs about 800 bytes of conventional DOS memory below 640K. This is because Windows still needs to communicate with DOS. Other programs may also need DOS memory. MoreMem pushes DLLs out of DOS memory into extended memory so that programs can use DOS memory to load. MoreMem includes TopBar, a resource monitor and task switcher that fits into the empty title bar area at the top of the screen.

MoreMem allows the user to reserve three different sets of DOS compartments. Within each set, the number and size of the compartments are user-definable. MoreMem has 16 default settings to handle various Windows configurations and drivers. To keep more DOS memory free after bootup, MoreMem can allocate most of DOS memory when Windows boots and free it after all drivers and startup applications load. MoreMem can also free a user-specified amount of DOS memory for programs that require larger amounts of DOS memory. MoreMem can display DOS memory usage by program, size, and address.

MoreMem includes TopBar, which is a resource monitor and task switcher that fits into the empty space at the top of the screen where the title bar of a maximized application normally resides. TopBar displays the time, date, DOS memory, system memory, GDI resources, and USER resources. As memory levels fall below user-specified thresholds, TopBar changes its background color from green to yellow to red. TopBar can optionally warn the user through a popup dialog box. The icon of each running application is displayed in TopBar. The user can click on an icon to switch to an application. The user can also restore, maximize, minimize, close, and hide applications using a popup menu.

TopBar Screen Shot

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How to Download MoreMem

Click here to download the current version (4.0d) from as a compressed archive (300 KB). Just expand it in a subdirectory of your choice and the files will be decompressed to about 1MB. Then, run the setup.exe program.

Click here to download a previous version (4.0c) from as a compressed archive (297 KB). Just expand it in a subdirectory of your choice and the files will be decompressed to about 1MB. Then, run the setup.exe program.

Click here to download a previous version (4.0b) from as a compressed archive (291 KB). Just expand it in a subdirectory of your choice and the files will be decompressed to about 1MB. Then, run the setup.exe program.

Click here to download a previous version (4.0a) from as a compressed archive (203 KB). Just expand it in a subdirectory of your choice and the files will be decompressed to about 711 KB. Then, run the setup.exe program.

Click here to download a previous version (3.0) from as a compressed archive (90 KB). Just expand it in a subdirectory of your choice and the files will be decompressed to about 424 KB. Then, run the setup.exe program. It only has one set of DOS compartments.

MoreMem 4.0d Quick Start

MoreMem was designed and written for Windows 3.x. MoreMem's greatest benefits are under this operating system. MoreMem will allow you to load more apps than you could before and, with TopBar, offers you system resource monitoring and convenient point-and-click task switching.

MoreMem has been modified to run under Windows 95. Windows 95 has addressed many of the memory management problems that occurred in Windows 3.x. However, many of our users have reported to Gamma Research that MoreMem increases stability, reduces memory errors, allows more clipboard functions to work, and allows more Windows 3.1 programs to run in Windows 95, especially for networked computers. You also have the benefits of system resource monitoring and convenient point-and-click task switching with TopBar. The same version of MoreMem can be used in a dual system running Windows 3.x and Windows 95.

MoreMem runs under both OS/2 2.x and Warp. If you are running multiple Windows software under OS/2 in one single Windows session, MoreMem will allow you to load more applications.

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Windows 3.x From Program or File Manager, select RUN from the FILE menu and enter "a:\setup.exe"

Windows 95 From the "Start" button, select RUN and enter "a:\setup.exe"

If you wish to try the software as shareware, click on "Install 14-day no password / 30-day total shareware trial." If you wish to register, call us at (256) 533-7103. MoreMem installs itself into the "GRI MoreMem 4.0" group. In both 3.x and 95, the default directory for installation is windows\system.

MoreMem can be used free for 14 days without the need of a password and for 30 days by typing in a temporary password. After that you may call to register MoreMem and receive a permanent password, or you may obtain a temporary password from Gamma Research to further evaluate MoreMem for another month.

A manual in the form of a help file (MoreMem4.hlp) is included with the MoreMem executable. There are 16 standard configurations for MoreMem and an unlimited number of custom configurations. If you are in a hurry and want to see if MoreMem will help you solve your current memory problems, a "cut to the chase" method will be presented here. To access the MoreMem setup screen you may either run Mempop4.exe from the windows\system directory or click on the "MEM" chip icon in TopBar's window. To access TopBar's setup screen, click on the TopBar icon in TopBar's window.

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Step 1. Install MoreMem with its default configuration (#6). You should be able to load more programs.

Step 2. If step 1 fails, go into MoreMem's setup screen (if TopBar is showing, click on the "MEM" chip icon). If you are not on a network, try configuration #4, "Max Out User". If you are on a network, try configuration #8, "Max Out WFW Net." Click on "OK". Exit and restart Windows.

Step 3. If step 2 fails, keep the current settings we made in step 2, and check "Double Default Sizes". Click on "OK". Exit and restart Windows.

Step 4. If step 3 fails, read the "Custom Configuring MoreMem" topic in the help file or the manual. MoreMem's powerful ability to custom configure can solve many problems.

Step 5. You should notice at least some improvement by now if you are running multiple apps. Further altering compartment C may be necessary to solve your problem. You may try different combinations of compartment size and number to reserve until you find the best configuration. You may also change the type of the compartments. Please refer to the help file or the manual for an explanation of these types.

You may try each of the configurations. Configurations 1-4 are suggested for non-networked users, and configurations 5-8 are suggested for networked users, since networks generally have larger drivers. However, these are only suggestions, so any configuration may be used. When you find you can load all the apps you want, then you can leave MoreMem's settings alone until you find you are having trouble loading even more apps, or larger apps. If you have purchased multiple licenses for installation on a network, you can refer to the help file under Frequently Asked Questions #22 for the easiest way to install many network licenses. MoreMem works with the major networks such as Windows for Workgroups, NetWare, and Vines. MoreMem does not cause conflicts with terminal emulation software such as Reflections or Rumba.

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MoreMem Program Features

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MoreMem System Requirements

How to Register MoreMem

Registration fee: $40. (USA), $59. (International)

Click here for registration information.

Click here to visit the home page of Accurate Technology, our UK distributor.

Click here to visit the home page of Kubota, our Japanese distributor.

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Who Uses MoreMem?

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Software Helped by MoreMem

MoreMem is ideally suited for corporate needs, since networked computers and laptops suffer from a large number of DOS memory problems. If networked computers or PCMCIA laptop machines have 8 Mb of RAM and cannot run at least 8 applications simultaneously without getting the dreaded “Insufficient Memory to Run Errors,” then, MoreMem can almost certainly help. Some networks use more DOS memory than others, and TCP/IP, Netbios and IPX can cause more DOS memory problems. MoreMem is known to help the following programs to load under Windows:

   Networking               (Microsoft WFW, Novell NetWare, Banyan Vines)
   Office Suites            (Microsoft, Corel, and Lotus)
   Modem and Fax Software   (BitFax, WinFax, etc.)
   Communications	    (Traveling Software LapLink) 
   Utilities		    (screen savers, antivirus, backup)
   Multimedia		    (sound, video and graphics cards, CD-ROMs, etc.)
   Databases		    (Lotus Notes, Access, Paradox, Oracle, etc.)
   Accounting		    (Computer Language Research Fast-Tax)
   Spreadsheets	            (Excel, Lotus 1-2-3)
   Video Conferencing	    (Intel ProShare)
   Development Software     (Delphi, Powerbuilder, Paradox, etc.)
   Emulation Software	    (Rumba, Winsocks, Reflections, etc.)
   Proprietary Software	    (in-house development projects using Visual Basic, etc.)
   Document Management      (PC Docs)
   Word Processing	    (WordPerfect, Microsoft Word)
   Graphics		    (CorelDraw, Photoshop, Matrox graphics, PaperPort, etc.)
   Web Site Development     (Netscape Navigator, HoTMetal, etc.)
   Engineering Design	    (AutoCAD)
   Remote Computing	    (IBM ThinkPad laptops running office suites)

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What Has the Press Said about MoreMem?

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MoreMem Loads More Programs in Windows 95

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